Dim FileName
Dim FileNamePart
Dim FileNamePre
Dim FileNameOutput
Dim FileNameOutputTemp
Dim StrSplit
Dim WshShellCmd
Dim ArgCount
'WScript.Echo GetLocale
Set ArgObj = WScript.Arguments
ArgCount = WScript.Arguments.Count
FileName = "[新] 松本人志のコントMHK #1 - 11.11.05_part-00.mp4"
If ArgCount > 0 Then
FileName = ArgObj(0)
Wscript.Echo "ArgCount is 0"
Wscript.Quit 1 '
End If
StrSplit = "_part-"
FileNamePreFix = RandomString()
FileNameOutputTemp = FileNamePreFix&"Temp.mp4"
FileNamePre = Left(FileName ,InStr(FileName,StrSplit) - 1)
FileNameOutput = FileNamePre & ".mp4"
InputPath = "..\input"
OutputPath = "..\output\"
WshShellCmd = "..\bin\MP4Box.exe "
'Wscript.Echo Right("00" & LCase(HEX(32)) , 2 )
'Wscript.Quit 1
Dim FileSys
Set FileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For i=0 to 64
FileNamePart = FileNamePre & StrSplit & Right("00" & LCase(HEX(i)) , 2 ) & ".mp4"
FileNameAfter = FileNamePreFix & i & ".mp4"
If FileSys.FileExists(FileNamePart) Then
FileSys.MoveFile FileNamePart , FileNameAfter
WshShellCmd = WshShellCmd & " -cat """ & FileNameAfter & """"
End If
'Set WshShellCmdFile = FileSys.CreateTextFile("WshShellCmd.txt", True)
'WshShellCmdFile.WriteLine WshShellCmd
WshShellCmd = WshShellCmd & " """ & FileNameOutputTemp & """"
'Wscript.Echo WshShellCmd
'Wscript.Quit 1
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Ret = WshShell.Run( WshShellCmd , 1, True )
If Ret = 0 Then
FileSys.MoveFile FileNameOutputTemp , FileNameOutput
FileSys.MoveFile FileNameOutput , OutputPath & FileNameOutput
FileSys.DeleteFile FileNameOutputTemp
End If
If Ret = 0 Then
For i=0 to 64
FileNamePart = FileNamePre & StrSplit & Right("00" & LCase(HEX(i)) , 2 ) & ".mp4"
FileNameAfter = FileNamePreFix & i & ".mp4"
If FileSys.FileExists( FileNameAfter ) Then
'FileSys.MoveFile i & ".mp4" , FileNamePart
FileSys.DeleteFile FileNameAfter
End If
For i=0 to 64
FileNamePart = FileNamePre & StrSplit & Right("00" & LCase(HEX(i)) , 2 ) & ".mp4"
FileNameAfter = FileNamePreFix & i & ".mp4"
If FileSys.FileExists( FileNameAfter ) Then
FileSys.MoveFile FileNameAfter , FileNamePart
'FileSys.DeleteFile i & ".mp4"
End If
End If
'WshShell.Run WshShellCmd , 6, True 隱藏式窗
'WScript.Echo "return -" & Ret
Set WshShell = Nothing
Set FileSys = Nothing
Set ArgObj = Nothing
function RandomString( )
Randomize( )
dim CharacterSetArray
CharacterSetArray = Array( _
Array( 3, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" ), _
Array( 1, "0123456789" ) _
dim i
dim j
dim Count
dim Chars
dim Index
dim Temp
for i = 0 to UBound( CharacterSetArray )
Count = CharacterSetArray( i )( 0 )
Chars = CharacterSetArray( i )( 1 )
for j = 1 to Count
Index = Int( Rnd( ) * Len( Chars ) ) + 1
Temp = Temp & Mid( Chars, Index, 1 )
dim TempCopy
do until Len( Temp ) = 0
Index = Int( Rnd( ) * Len( Temp ) ) + 1
TempCopy = TempCopy & Mid( Temp, Index, 1 )
Temp = Mid( Temp, 1, Index - 1 ) & Mid( Temp, Index + 1 )
RandomString = TempCopy
end function
- Feb 09 Thu 2012 18:14